Thursday, June 14, 2012

Gone Seoul Searching in Japan Video Post: Led Zeppelin on the train ride home from work in Japan

Non Youtube video for blocked viewers in America.I got tagged for using Led Zeppelin! : (


The sunset at Yomiuri-Land-mae station on a Thursday evening in June 2012.
      Riding the subway in Japan can be a very hectic experience at first, but as your commute becomes regular you learn to embrace the train system for its good qualities. I usually listen to music and fool around on my Japanese language learning apps while I am waiting to pass the time. Today I was able to ditch out of work a little early and catch a quicker train ride home. Seeing daylight on the way home is a great feeling.
     As you can see in my above video post, the train is much less crowded on the way home than in the morning. In the morning, I can never get a seat and am in a packed car with little room to breathe. So I really enjoy and appreciate the ride home. Listening to a little Led Zeppelin on the way also makes a great ending to my work day. I have to say, sometimes riding the Japan subway makes me  very empowered. I feel like a strong woman that can do and go anywhere mainly because I have mastered the difficult  Japan subway system that is full of chaotic transfers, crazy schedules, and lines that are never on any of my subway maps!

 If you have any questions or comments about "Gone Seoul Searching in Japan Video Post: Led Zeppelin on the train ride home from work in Japan"  please leave them in the comment box below or email them to 
  Creative Commons License  Gone Seoul Searching by Marie Webb is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at


  1. I watched video and I found that you don't realized that some trains from Yomiuri Land Mae run directly into Tama line. You don't have to change trains at Shin Yurigaoka if you take these trains.
    In the evening, 8 trains depart at 01, 03, 12, 23, 31, 33, 42 and 53 minutes every hour from Yomiuri Land Mae. 2 trains among them, 01 and 31 are bound for Karakida station which is the last stop of Tama line. These trains run directly into Tama line so that you don't need to change.

  2. we have to take Keio line!!!! : )

  3. we caught the one at 33 today!!!!!! thanks!!!! Usually we finish at 5:15 and have to stay until 5:30 at work. But today we broke the rules and left early because of the typhoon!! its so nice not transferring. thanks for reminding me of this!! : )

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