Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Gone Seoul Searching in Japan: Bike riding to Costco in Japan

Find the nearest Costco in Japan if you want great deals on fruit, fish, guacamole, salsa, and cheese!
Riding my bike (the black pearl) to Costco is a fun and memorable experience in Japan.


The Costco I go to at Tamasakai in Sagamihara.
Long subway rides with rolling suitcases filled with Costco food used to be a standard event when I lived in Korea. But luckily my apartment in Japan is only a 10-15 minute bike ride away from the nearest Costco location in Japan! Costco is one of my favorite stores to visit in any country that I am living or visiting. This is because I can stock up on the essentials for an extremely reasonable price. I can get a giant brick of fresh cheddar cheese rather than paying $15 for a tiny block at Korean and Japanese grocery stores, and I always get a giant box of Premium Kirkland Brand Raisin Brand cereal for my breakfasts.
     I am happy to know that if I am craving a slice of pizza or a good old fashioned hot dog and soda I can simply bike on over to Costco and pick up some food. Their selection in Tokyo is amazing and the store is packed with everything imaginable both Western and Japanese. They even have giant buckets of kimchi and soju if you are looking to delve into some Korean cooking or drinking. I picked up a great bottle of Argentinian Malbec, one of my favorite kinds of wine for only 700 yen, about $7 the last time I went. In addition, Costco has great appliances and sports equipment. I actually walked to Costco from the nearest subway station from my house the first visit, and ended up purchasing a bike and riding home with all of my goodies!
The first time I went to Costco I rode home on my new bike with cheese, pillows and milk!
     As a native San Diego girl, Mexican food is a high priority item in my diet. My eyes lit up when passing through the freezer aisle and my hands instantly reached out to grab a 2 pack of guacamole! I was a bit skeptical about frozen guacamole, but after letting it defrost in my refrigerator and dipping some of my Costco tortilla chips into the dip my taste buds were nothing but let down!  I also purchased a 2 pack of Pace salsa, something that I would never buy back home, but Pace is among the only salsas you will find in many Asian countries.
Inside Costco in Tokyo.
     Check out where the closest Costco is to you on their English websites and you might be surprised. There are 5 Costco's right now in the Tokyo vicinity. If you have your Costco card from back home, you can use the same card. You will just have to fill out a change of address form the first time you shop. I still use my same card that I got from my parents when I was only 19 back in California! 

If you have any questions or comments about "Bike riding to Costco in Japan"  please leave them in the comment box below or email them to goneseoulsearching@gmail.com 
  Creative Commons License  Gone Seoul Searching by Marie Webb is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at goneseoulsearching@gmail.com.


  1. Wow! Costco in Japan? I never would have thought they had a store like that there! Good to know I won't get totally lost inside!

    Maybe you know the answer, if I have a membership here (in the US!) is my membership valid in Japan?

  2. Yep! I wrote about that! If you have a Costco card from US or anywhere else you can just bring that card here and use it! Awesome right!? : )

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