YBM Speaking Level 3
Unit 2
Lesson Aims
Page 9/listening
about skills and experience
Review/preview (5 minutes)
Review: 1. Elicit
the Lesson Aims of the previous lesson. "What did we study last
Elicit content (Vocabulary, expressions, patterns,explanations, and examples.)
Outline the main points on the board as students produce them
Preview: 1. communicate the Lesson Aims, Refer students
to the board and syllabus Tell students what will be covered in this lesson
Warm Up (10
Presentation: Q&A
(Whole class) ask the students if they've ever had job interviews. As
them what kinds of question there were asked. Ask them
about their work experience and skills.
Model some experience and skills questions and answers on
the board.
Practice: Q&A (pairs) have the students ask and
answer questions about skills and experience using the patterns modeled on the
board. Monitor for accuracy.
Main Body (25 minutes)
Activity 1: Listening 1. Elicit answers to the homework
(Ex. A) Play the audio once to confirm answers or address any questions. (If no one has done the homework,
directly to Ex B.)
2. Listening Ex B (Pairs): Have the students discuss the questions
Tell them they can ask any follow-on questions they like. Monitor and note
common errors for the
Feedback stage.
Activity 2: Supplement (EC3U2-Job Skills and Experience)
(New Pairs)
1. Distribute the supplement. Read the instructions. Confirm
understanding by asking the students to explain what they'll do. Encourage the
students to ask follow-on questions. Monitor and note common errors for the
Feedback stage.
Feedback(5 minutes)
1. While students are working in pairs near the end of
the Main Body, write three or four sentences containing errors (Or commonly
mispronounced words) on the board.
2.Bring the class back together. "Let's look at some
common mistakes."
3. Elicit corrections (or correct pronunciation), explanations
of corrections, and further examples of similar usage (or pronunciation)
Review/Preview(5 minutes)
1. Elicit this lesson's Lesson Aims. "What was our
Lesson Aim today?"
2. Elicit content (Vocabulary, expressions, patterns, explanations,
and examples).
3. Outline the main points on the board as students produce
1. Communicate the next lesson's Lesson Aims. Refer students
to syllabus.
2. Assign any homework and give instructions/modeling.
3. Tell students what will be covered in the next lesson