Friday, December 17, 2010

The newly created buzz KOREA hosts a family of bloggers

Buzz Korea will promote Korean tourism through the eyes of writers and bloggers.
    Buzz KOREA is bringing all of Korea's bloggers to one place thanks to the Korea Tourism Organization. This new website will showcase writers, most of whom are currently living in Korea, who promote tourism throughout the country. This brilliant idea will connect expats, Koreans, and prospective travelers, and will provide useful articles and the latest gossip or buzz about destinations throughout Korea.
    I came across this website tonight while scrolling through Korea blogs that I read daily. I immediately registered for the site, and put of their logo on my page. There are so many writers throughout Korea that simply enjoy sharing their adventures with the world. These writers have so much passion and lust for Korea, so why not bring them all to one place? Buzz KOREA is essentially a Facebook of bloggers!
    Because buzz KOREA is a new site, they are offering 3 events to new users. The events all vary, but simply by registering for a buzz Korea account you are automatically entered to win a free I-pad. However, don't just register for the free gifts. This website will be a great tool for those that are currently writing travel blogs about Korea. You may have your articles featured on their web-site, which will bring more viewers to you. This site will also be a great tool just to simply learn more about Korea, and interesting destinations throughout Korea. The latest buzz on the website features articles about the Jinju Lantern Festival, the Tteuran Tea house, and winter getaways in Korea.
    There is nothing better than reading a personal account of any travel destination. Buzz KOREA will allow everyone to explore what Korea has to offer, without relying on travel companies and the average Lonely Planet books.  Step out of the box, and hear what average people are writing about Korea, and don't forget to buzz KOREA!

If you have any questions or comments about "The newly created buzz KOREA hosts a family of bloggers" please leave them in the comment box below or email them to

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