Sunday, December 26, 2010

A commercialized Korean Christmas

A Christmas photo stop in Myeongdong outside Migliore.
Christmas in Korea is just like America's Christmas, but on steroids. The entire concept of Christmas is turned into a giant commercialized frenzy for the month of December. My students explained to me that they go on expensive dates with their boy/girl friends and that it is a much bigger deal than Valentines day. Take for example the 5 course dinner offered at the JW Marriot in Seoul witch is a steep 200,000 won!
    Going to class every day and listening to my students talking about Christmas was a bit depressing at times. Some of them would say things like "Well I'm single, so I'll just stay home and watch movies and be sad all night!" Christmas here is more about dating than anything, most of the Koreans that are religious have a small celebration like a dinner, or go to church and that is all.

Pagoda and YBM competing with each other.
    Although there is a sad side to Christmas in Korea if you are single, the decorations throughout Seoul are simply magnanimous. Everywhere you look there are Christmas lights and trees. The YBM headquarters in Jongno put up their giant display of lights, and about a week later Pagoda (YBM's biggest competition) threw up five times the amount of lights on their small building in Jongno!  Check out some amazing pictures around Seoul and from my Christmas party this year.

Pagoda cannot fit anymore Christmas lights on their building.

Outside of Myeongdong Catholic Church.

A nativity scene at Myeongdong Church.

Crazy light structure outside of IBK bank.

A beautiful Christmas tree outside of Myeongdong theatre.

A woman taking donations and ringing the bell, just like Salvation Army in America.
A shoe store advertisement wishing you a happy walking?
Former YBM students wearing matching Christmas sweaters at my Christmas party.
A group photo at my Christmas pot luck dinner in Jongno.

If you have any questions or comments about "A commercialized Korean Christmas" please leave them in the comment box below or email them to

Creative Commons License  Gone Seoul Searching by Marie Webb is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

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