Thursday, October 7, 2010

We all need a Twist King!

     Firstly, I love watching infomercials. From the Kardashian sister's newest skin care line, or Joan River's "The right to bare legs" skin cover up I love them all. Infomercials make almost anything seem possible! Why wouldn't I want to buy something when it seems so amazing on TV!
    Well, my late night cravings for infomercials were satisfied the other night when I discovered The Twist King. I gave up trying to find more information about this amazing work out product after searching for about fifteen minutes online.
    Pretty much all I learned from the infomercial is that by twisting back and forth on a bouncy coil, anyone can have amazing abs that all the Koreans will be jealous of! Just have fun bouncing around, and make sure to always wear a cropped shirt and a smile on your face.

3 개의 댓글:

jojo said...

im so mad mom returned the right to bare legs!!!

Anonymous said...

donna returns everything, duh

Anonymous said...

Excellent reflection on the human need for twist and turns in life. Your insights are timely and relatable, making for a compelling read. properties in gwalior

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